


IIRSA 2000-2010

The Initiative for the Integration of Regional Infrastructure in South America (IIRSA) is an institutional mechanism aimed at coordinating intergovernmental actions adopted by the twelve South American countries with a view to building a common agenda to foster projects for the integration of transport, energy, and communications infrastructure.

The creation of IIRSA was decided at the Summit of South American Presidents held in August 2000 in the city of Brasilia. Throughout its ten years of existence, IIRSA has become an essential forum for infrastructure planning by the twelve South American countries from a shared and regional vision of the opportunities and challenges posed by the subcontinent. Under the umbrella of IIRSA, South America has, for the first time, acted as a single, integrated unit, the most significant results being the following:

  • The development and application of the Indicative Territorial Planning Methodology, which gave rise to a consensus-built Portfolio of more than 500 transport, energy and communications infrastructure projects, organized in nine Integration and Development Hubs (EIDs);
  • The creation of the Implementation Agenda Based on Consensus (AIC) 2005-2010, consisting in a set of 31 priority projects having a high impact on the physical integration of the territory;
  • The design of projects related to Sectoral Integration Processes (PSIs); and
  • The development and application of new planning methodologies and tools.

As from 2011, IIRSA is included in the UNASUR South American Infrastructure and Planning Council as its technical forum for South American physical integration planning issues, which marks the beginning of a new stage in the activities of the Initiative.


Milestones in the Evolution of IIRSA 2000-2010:

Launch and Start-up (2000-2002)

Institutional Milestones

  • Creation of IIRSA at the First Summit of South American Presidents
  • IIRSA Action Plan
  • Guiding Principles
  • Strategic Vision for South America (VESA)

Executive Milestones

  • Business Vision and preliminary list of projects for each Integration and Development Hub (EID)
  • Diagnostic studies for each Sectoral Integration Process (PSI)
  • Meetings of the Executive Technical Groups (GTEs) to launch the first Hubs

Planning (2003-2004)

Institutional Milestones

  • First Planning Stage: Application of the Indicative Territorial Planning Methodology and setup of the first Project Portfolio
  • Establishment of the National Coordinations

Executive Milestones

  • GTE meetings on each Hub for the design of the Project Portfolio
  • GTE meetings on the Information and Communications Technologies, Funding Instruments, and Facilitation at Border Crossings PSIs
  • Launch of IIRSA website

Implementation and Consolidation (2005-2010)

Institutional Milestones

  • Strategic Objectives for 2006-2010: Implementation, second planning stage, a new approach to PSIs, and outreach activities
  • Second planning stage: Furthering of and qualitative leap in Indicative Territorial Planning and incorporation of new tools and methodologies
  • Implementation Agenda based on Consensus 2005-2010 (AIC)

Executive Milestones

  • GTE meetings on each Hub for the continuing update of the Project Portfolio
  • Creation of technical cooperation funds by the IDB, CAF and FONPLATA for pre-investment studies related to integration projects
  • Annual Project Portfolio reports and dissemination material
  • Training of government technical teams

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    August 2011