


Virtual Course

At the Workshop on Freight Transport and Logistics held in 2014, the countries reached a consensus on the
importance of addressing this topic in a comprehensive manner and agreed to focus their efforts on the training of officials from the different public sector areas concerned with this subject.
Accordingly, the “Training Program in the Making and Management of Freight Transport and Logistics Policies” was developed and implemented in 2015, with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) through the Integration and Trade Sector, the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL), and the Transport Division under the Infrastructure and Environment Sector. COSIPLAN had an active participation in the design of this program, under the leadership of Peru’s National Coordination, held by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru.


  • Objective
Train officials from the different public sector agencies of the UNASUR Member States concerned with the
design of public policies, plans, programs and projects for the freight logistics sector.
  • Target Audience
Participants invited and selected by the COSIPLAN National Coordinators who are officials in the following
government areas: Planning, Transport (all modes), Production, Industry, Trade, Logistics, Infrastructure and
Public Works, Concessions and PPPs, Customs Administrations, and Trade Promotion Agencies.
  • Delivery Method
This is a virtual course, delivered using a telematic platform, in which a small group of participants (40) start
and complete their training at the same time. Throughout the course, participants are monitored on a regular,
systematic, personalized, and planned basis. The activities are designed to encourage collaborative learning
among the participants and between them and the teachers.

1° Edición I Resultados 2015

Al finalizar la 1° Edición del “Programa de Capacitación en Formulación y Gestión de Políticas sobre Transporte de Carga y Logística”, 37 funcionarios de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay se certificaron del programa de capacitación con un alto compromiso y excelentes resultados. 

2° y 3° Edición I Resultados 2016

En el año 2016, se llevaron a cabo dos ediciones del “Programa de Capacitación en Formulación y Gestión de Políticas sobre Transporte de Carga y Logística”. De esta experiencia, lograron certificarse 60 funcionarios de los gobiernos de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, México, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Rep. Dominicana y Uruguay. 

Ordenar por:

  • Propuesta sobre Programa de Capacitación en Formulación y Gestión de Políticas sobre Transporte de Carga y Logística

    December 2014