


GTE Meetings on Update the Project Portfolio and API - MERCOSUR-Chile Hub

28 May 2015 - 28 May 2015, Virtual Meeting

On May 28, 2015, the virtual meeting of the Executive Technical Group (GTE) on the MERCOSUR-Chile Hub took place, with the participation of delegates from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay as well as of representatives of the UNASUR General Secretariat and IIRSA Technical Coordination Committee.

the Update Process:

·         Thirty-six projects were added to the Portfolio and 23 were removed from it. The projects at the profiling stage were brought down from 137 in 2014 to 114 in 2015, resulting in the following: i) COSIPLAN Portfolio: 593 Projects with an investment of US$ 182,435.7 million; and ii) API: 31 Structured Projects made up of 103 Individual Projects with an investment of US$ 21,657.1 million.

·         As of August 18, 2015, the COSIPLAN Project Information System (PIS) included up-to-date information about 71.5% of the total projects (i.e. 424 out of 593 projects).

·         The Southern Hub enlarged its area of influence by incorporating the Province of Chubut, in Argentina, and the Aysén Region up to the Province of Coihayque, in Chile. Twenty-one new projects were included: 8 in Group 1: “Concepción - Bahía Blanca - San Antonio Este Port”, and 13 in Group 2: “Binational Tourist Circuit - Lakes Area.”



  • Informe de la reunión del GTE sobre Actualización de la Cartera de Proyectos y de la API - Eje MERCOSUR-Chile

    May 2015