The Eighth Meeting of National Coordinators was held at the Headquarters of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean ( INTAL), a unit of Department of Integration and Regional Programs Department of the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB), in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, for 29 and 30 June, 2006 .
The meeting was attended by representatives of the South American countries as well as officials from observer organizations and institutions that make up the Technical Coordination Committee (CCT), (IDB, CAF and FONPLATA) , and was chaired by Mr. Luis Álvarez Cabrera, Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Works of Ecuador, who chairs the Technical Steering Committee (CDE) of IIRSA, during this period.
The objective of this meeting was to relieve the progress of the Action Plan 2006 to date , on the Implementation Agenda based on Consensus (AIC) and Tracking System for Intensive Project Management (EMIS) , the state of studies developed on Border Crossings, and the progress made in the work on Planning Methodologies (Integration and Value Chains), Logistics and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
In this sense, the results obtained in the above topics , where the different National Coordinators expressed their views and recommendations in order to strengthen the respective tasks are presented , and was completed to define the activities to be carried out during the second half this year.
These actions are developed based on the Agenda provided by countries for 2006 , made at the last meeting of the Executive Steering Committee (CDE) held in Asuncion , Paraguay in December last year and schedule proposed by the Presidency of the CDE, in the meeting held in the month of February, in the city of Quito, Ecuador activities.
Below are the agenda, list of participants of the Eighth Meeting of National Coordinators, as well as all documents analyzed during the meeting.