Integration Territorial Program (PTI)
The Integration Territorial Programs (PTIs) consist in identifying and implementing a set of actions complementing
the API projects, in order to enhance the environmental management of the territory, add production integration and logistics components, harmonize regulatory and legal aspects, and improve the local impact of infrastructure. The technical studies and methodological tools developed (IPrLg and EASE, among others) serve as inputs in designing these programs.
Throughout 2012 and 2013, work was conducted to define the general guidelines for the development of these
programs. For this purpose, two API projects were selected as case studies to draft a proposal: (i) Agua Negra Binational Tunnel, and (ii) Montevideo - Cacequi Railway Corridor.
The document entitled “Integration Territorial Programs – PTIs: Conceptual Guidelines for their Design” was analyzed at the Meeting of the Executive Technical Group (GTE) on PTIs held in Buenos Aires in 2013, and was approved by the COSIPLAN Ministers at their IV Ordinary Meeting that same year.
- The definition of the objective guiding the PTI actions in a concerted manner by the countries involved in the API project is the main aspect in the design of the program.
- The identification of the area of influence of the API project and an area of action of the PTI that is restricted to the objectives agreed upon is another significant aspect in the design of the PTI.
- The territorial planning methodologies developed by IIRSA-COSIPLAN are important tools for the identification of problems, difficulties and opportunities to be addressed by the PTI.
- The multi-sectoral and territorial nature of PTIs calls for the participation of different government levels and the building of partnerships with the private sector and other key actors, for which purpose a Participation Plan is drafted.
- A PTI is an action program that requires following up on its implementation as well as a monitoring system that includes allocation of resources and responsibilities, established implementation timeframes, and a management model.
Programas Territoriales de Integración - PTIs. Lineamientos conceptuales para su formulación
November 2013
GTE sobre Programas Territoriales de Integración
4/9/2013 - 4/9/2013
Buenos Aires, Argentina