Trade Integration through Postal Services
The micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) face major obstacles when participating in international trade, such as access to funding and information, high fixed costs of establishing and maintaining overseas trade networks, and constraints on management and technological capacity.
On the other hand, MSMEs’ exposure to the international market brings with it significant benefits, driving growth
in productivity, competitiveness, and innovation, and enabling employment creation in competitive activities at an
international level. These benefits justify the existence of specific support policies for this business sector.
Trade integration through postal services is a tool that contributes to regional integration by encouraging the inclusion of MSMEs in the international market. It seeks to facilitate the internationalization of MSMEs located in distant areas through a simplified import/export process through postal services using the logistics platform of designated postal operators.
Indicadores de Resultados del Programa Exportación por Envíos Postales de COSIPLAN-IIRSA
December 2014 -
Relevamiento de Mejores Prácticas en Procesos Aduaneros Postales de Importación
November 2013 -
Publicidad del Correo de Brasil - Botones
September 2013
Reunión del GTE sobre Integración Comercial por Envíos Postales
8/11/2016 - 8/12/2016
Montevideo, Uruguay -
GTE Meeting on Trade Integration through Postal Services
9/28/2015 - 9/29/2015
Lima, Peru -
ETG Meeting on Trade Integration through Postal Services
9/18/2014 - 9/19/2014
Montevideo, Uruguay -
GTE sobre Integración Comercial por Envíos Postales
9/27/2013 - 9/27/2013
Santiago de Chile, Chile -
GTE del Proyecto “Exportación por Envíos Postales para MIPYMES”
11/8/2011 - 11/8/2011
Buenos Aires, Argentina -
Seminario sobre Exportaciones por Envíos Postales para Micro y Pequeñas Empresas
11/16/2009 - 11/18/2009
San Pablo, Brasil -
Taller sobre el Proyecto “Exportación por Envíos Postales para PYMES"
5/20/2009 - 5/20/2009
Buenos Aires, Argentina -
ETG on the project “Exports through Postal Services for MSMEs”
5/19/2009 - 5/19/2009
Buenos Aires, Argentina