Disaster Risk Managements (GRD)
The objective of the Methodology to Incorporate Disaster Risk Managements in Infrastructure (GRD) is to prevent or reduce the effects of natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and volcanic eruptions) affecting South American infrastructure, and to devise plans for connectivity and public infrastructure recovery.
Losses associated with geological and climatic events have substantially increased over the last few decades, involving economic losses due to both the effects of natural phenomena and the structure and type of works constructed. The sectors primarily affected are transport (airports, roads, ports), energy and communications infrastructure, among others.
The first version of the Methodology for the Incorporation of DRM into the COSIPLAN-IIRSA Regional Integration Infrastructure Projects was developed in 2013, in Santiago de Chile. This work was based on the exchange of experiences that took place among the countries in 2012. As provided for in the Work Plan 2014, a simplified version of the methodology and the preliminary version of the User’s Manual were presented at a new GTE Meeting held in Buenos Aires.
- PHASE 1 - Screening: This identifies the subject of study, i.e. the infrastructure or hazard whose risk wants to be determinated for its subsequent management.
- PHASE 2 - Risk Analysis: This includes four steps to identify the risk and its mitigation measures: (i) definition of performance indicators; (ii) identification of infrastructure and hazards; (iii) degree of depth of the study and Terms of Reference; and (iv) risk study and identification of mitigation actions.
- PHASE 3 - Risk Management: This identifies the alternative actions once the risk involved in some infrastructure has been studied.
Application of the Methodology to GP5
The countries agreed to conduct a pilot application in 2015 of the User’s Manual to Project Group 5 of the Central Interoceanic Hub, “Connections of the Hub to the Pacific: Ilo / Matarani - Desaguadero - La Paz + Arica - La Paz + Iquique - Oruro - Cochabamba - Santa Cruz,” which is a seism silent area, using IDB technical cooperation funds. Furthermore, they decided to update the User’s Manual on the basis of the pilot application.
- Country coordinating this process: Republic of Chile
Reunión del GTE sobre Gestión de Riesgos de Desastres
6/2/2016 - 6/3/2016
Lima, Peru -
Chile and Peru Binational Workshop on Risk and Disaster Prevention and Management
3/8/2016 - 3/9/2016
Arica, Chile -
I Meeting to Coordinate the Application of the DRM to the GP5 of the Central Interoceanic Hub (Chile-Peru)
1/19/2015 - 1/19/2015
Santiago de Chile, Chile -
ETG Meeting on Risk and Disaster Prevention and Management in Infrastructure
10/14/2014 - 10/14/2014
Buenos Aires, Argentina -
GTE sobre la Metodología de Prevención de Riesgos y Catástrofes en la Infraestructura Suramericana
9/25/2013 - 9/25/2013
Santiago de Chile, Chile -
Taller sobre Gestión de Riesgos y Catástrofes en la Infraestructura Suramericana
10/18/2012 - 10/19/2012
Santiago de Chile, Chile