


I Meeting to Coordinate the Application of the DRM to the GP5 of the Central Interoceanic Hub (Chile-Peru)

19 January 2015 - 19 January 2015, Santiago de Chile, Chile

On January 19, 2015, the city of Santiago hosted the I Meeting to coordinate the application of the Risk Disaster Management Methodology to the GP5 of the Central Interoceanic Hub (Chile-Peru). The meeting was attended by delegates from Chile, Peru and specialists of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

During the meeting, the Chilean and Peruvian National Coordinations succeeded in putting together the knowledge of both teams with a view to defining the scope of the study. Each country selected five infrastructures to be considered in the study. The consulting team will visit the sites to collect statistical data to carry out the risk analysis and determine the works and actions required to mitigate the risks in case of an earthquake or tsunami.


  • Minuta de la I Reunión para coordinar la aplicación de la Metodología de GRD al GP5 del Eje Interoceánico Central (Chile-Perú)

    January 2015
  • Agenda de la I Reunión para coordinar la aplicación de la Metodología de GRD al GP5 del Eje Interoceánico Central (Chile-Perú)

    January 2015
  • Nota conceptual de aplicación piloto - Metodología de GRD al GP5 del Eje Interoceánico Central (Chile-Perú)

    January 2015
  • Presentación: Infraestructura de integración ubicada en zona de silencio sísmico sur de Perú y norte de Chile - Claudio Osorio, Consultor Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)

    January 2015