Agua Negra Binational Tunnel
Due to Argentina’s and Chile’s concern to deepen bilateral work on integration issues, the two countries proposed the design of a PTI associated with API project Agua Negra Binational Tunnel. This activity was included in the COSIPLAN Work Plan 2014-2015.
The National Coordinators from Argentina and Chile, with technical assistance from the CCT, set about the task of designing a PTI for the Agua Negra Tunnel in August 2014.
1. Objective
Contribute to the consolidation of alternative connectivity between Argentina and Chile, and to encourage the region’s potential for production and for generation of services, by identifying projects and actions that promote sustainable development, domestic and international integration, and regional planning.
2. Area of Direct Action
Includes San Juan and La Rioja provinces in Argentina and Chile’s Coquimbo Region. The Area of Indirect Action includes Córdoba and Santa Fe provinces in Argentina.
3. Work Plan PTI
STAGE 0: Preparatory
- Binational Workshop in Buenos Aires (November 2014)
- Background Document and First Draft of the Participation Plan
STAGE 1: Analysis of the General Context
- Integrated Diagnostic Study and Final Draft of the Participation Plan
- Binational Workshop in Coquimbo (March 2015)
STAGE 2: Consultation and Strategic Analysis
- Focus Group Meetings and Regional Workshops (April 2015)
- Strategic Analysis
STAGE 3: Integration Territorial Program and Action Plan
- PTI and Action Plan
- Binational Workshop in San Juan (October 2015)
Plan de Implementación del PTI: Informe de Avance 2016
December 2016 -
PTI Túnel Binacional de Agua Negra (Argentina-Chile)
August 2016 -
Plan de Trabajo para la Formulación del Programa Territorial de Integración (PTI) al proyecto Túnel Binacional de Agua Negra (Argentina-Chile)
December 2014
Meeting on the Agua Negra Binational Tunnel PTI
9/27/2017 - 9/29/2017
La Serena, Chile -
Meeting of the Agua Negra Binational Tunnel PTI
5/10/2017 - 5/12/2017
San Juan, Argentina -
Meeting on the PTI Agua Negra Binational Tunel
11/29/2016 - 11/29/2016
Videoconference -
Meeting on the Agua Negra Binational Tunnel PTI
8/24/2016 - 8/25/2016
Santiago de Chile, Chile -
Reunión sobre el PTI Túnel Binacional Agua Negra
5/11/2016 - 5/11/2016
Videoconference -
Binational Workshop on the PTI Agua Negra Binational Tunnel (Argentina-Chile)
11/18/2015 - 11/19/2015
Buenos Aires, Argentina -
Binational Workshop on the PTI Agua Negra Binational Tunnel (Argentina-Chile)
3/18/2015 - 3/19/2015
Coquimbo, Chile -
Taller de Argentina y Chile: "PTI Túnel Binacional de Agua Negra"
11/13/2014 - 11/14/2014
Buenos Aires, Argentina