


II National Coordinators Meeting

16 June 2003 - 17 June 2003, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Second National Coordinators Meeting was held at the Headquarters of the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL) where the IIRSA Secretariat and attended by representatives of the South American countries as well as officials of the institutions that make up the Technical Coordination Committee (CCT) of IIRSA.

The objective of this workshop was to analyze the overall results of the corresponding sectoral analyzes the following Sectoral Integration Processes ( PSI): Information Technology and Communication (ICT) Air Transport Operating Systems; Facilitating Steps Frontera; Regulatory Frameworks for Regional Energy Markets, Maritime Cargo , Port Logistics, Multimodal Transport Operating Systems, and Instruments for Project Funding Regional Physical Integration.

In each case there was an emphasis on the identification and evaluation of action plans to be proposed to the governments at the Fourth Meeting of the Executive Steering Committee (CDE) and alternative work schedules for the future treatment of PSI were assessed including key challenges and needs.

Also, other issues related to the Working Agenda of the Fourth Meeting of the CDE regarding the Integration and Development Hubs (EID), private sector and civil society and development of the Strategic Vision addressed .

Below are the agenda, list of participants in the Second Meeting of National Coordinators and the presentation by CCT at the time of the meeting.


  • CNR2 Agenda

    esp | eng
    June 2003
  • CNR2 List of Participants

    esp | eng
    June 2003
  • CNR2 Presentación

    June 2003