Under the umbrella of IIRSA, South America has, for the first time, acted as a single, integrated unit, the most significant results being the creation of IIRSA Project Portfolio in the transport, energy and communications sectors.
The original structuring of IIRSA Project Portfolio took place in 2004 and was subject to successive updates as a result of improved territorial planning within the framework of the Initiative. In 2004, IIRSA defined a portfolio made up of 335 infrastructure projects accounting for an estimated investment of more than US$37,424.8 million.
In 2010, as the first work stage of IIRSA was coming to an end, one last update process was undertaken within the framework of IIRSA through meetings of the GTEs on every Hub. The resulting portfolio included 524 projects, accounting for an investment estimated at US$96,119.2 million (IIRSA Project Portfolio, 2010).
In June 2011, the city of Bogotá hosted a series of GTE meetings on the nine Hubs at which the Portfolio update process was conducted for the first time under the COSIPLAN. The countries updated the information on their projects in the Database, and identified the projects to be included or excluded as well as those that they deemed worth discussing.
In addition, based on the updated Portfolio, the countries identified their priority projects on a preliminary basis through a domestic dialogue and consensus process in order to create an Integration Priority Project Agenda (API). For this purpose, national and subnational development plans, sectoral policies and strategies, bilateral agreements and/or investment priorities were taken into account.
This update exercise resulted in a portfolio made up of 531 projects with an investment estimated at US$116,120.6 million.
2004 | 335 | 37.424,8 |
2007 | 349 | 60.522,6 |
2008 | 514 | 69.000,0 |
2009 | 510 | 74.542,3 |
2010 | 524 | 96.119,2 |
2011 | 531 | 116.120,6 |
2012 | 544 | 130.139,1 |
2013 | 583 | 157.730,5 |
2014 | 583 | 157.730,5 |
2015 | 593 | 182.435,7 |
Indicative Territorial Planning: IIRSA Project Portfolio 2010
December 2010 -
Indicative Territorial Planning: IIRSA Project Portfolio 2009
December 2009 -
Indicative Territorial Planning: 2008 IIRSA Project Portfolio
December 2008
GTE Meetings on EIDs and API to Update the Project Portfolio
4/15/2015 - 4/15/2015
Montevideo, Uruguay -
ETGs Meetings on the Nine EIDs and API to Update the Project Portfolio
4/22/2014 - 4/24/2014
Bogota, Colombia -
GTEs de los 9 EIDs para actualización de la Cartera de Proyectos
5/7/2013 - 5/9/2013
Montevideo, Uruguay -
GTE del Eje del Amazonas
3/20/2013 - 3/21/2013
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil -
GTE de los Ejes de Integración y Desarrollo para la actualización de la Cartera de Proyectos del COSIPLAN
8/9/2012 - 8/10/2012
Montevideo, Uruguay -
GTE del Eje Perú-Brasil-Bolivia
10/6/2011 - 10/7/2011
Lima, Peru -
GTEs Meetings on Project Portfolio Update and Preliminary Identification of Priority Projects
6/14/2011 - 6/16/2011
Bogota, Colombia -
GTE de los Ejes Hidrovía Paraguay-Paraná, de Capricornio, MERCOSUR-Chile y del Sur
5/11/2010 - 5/14/2010
Montevideo, Uruguay -
GTE de los Ejes Amazonas, Andino, Interoceánico Central y Perú-Brasil-Bolivia
4/12/2010 - 4/14/2010
Quito, Ecuador -
GTE de los Ejes del Amazonas, Andino, Perú-Brasil-Bolvia e Interoceánico Central
4/15/2009 - 4/17/2009
Lima, Peru -
GTE de los Ejes del Sur, MERCOSUR-Chile, de Capricornio e Hidrovía Paraguay-Paraná
3/16/2009 - 3/19/2009
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia -
GTE de los Ejes Hidrovía Paraguay-Paraná, de Capricornio y MERCOSUR-Chile
6/3/2008 - 6/5/2008
Asuncion, Paraguay -
ETG of the Guianese Shield Hub
5/6/2008 - 5/6/2008
Paramaribo, Suriname -
GTE de los Ejes MERCOSUR-Chile, de Capricornio y del Sur
9/25/2007 - 9/27/2007
Santiago de Chile, Chile -
ETG of Paraguay-Paraná and Andean Hubs
8/21/2007 - 8/23/2007
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia -
ETG of the Amazon Hub
6/5/2007 - 6/6/2007
Bogota, Colombia -
ETG of Central Interoceanic and Peru-Brazil-Bolivia Hub
4/24/2007 - 4/25/2007
Lima, Peru -
GTE del Eje MERCOSUR-Chile
8/2/2005 - 8/2/2005
Asuncion, Paraguay -
GTE del Eje de la Hidrovía Paraguay-Paraná
8/1/2005 - 8/1/2005
Asuncion, Paraguay -
GTE Ejes de Capricornio, del Sur, Interoceánico Central, MERCOSUR-Chile y Perú-Brasil-Bolivia
6/14/2004 - 6/18/2004
Buenos Aires, Argentina -
GTE de los Ejes Andino, del Amazonas y del Escudo Guayanés
6/1/2004 - 6/4/2004
Bogota, Colombia -
GTE Ejes Interoceánico, MERCOSUR-Chile, Porto Alegre-Asunción-Jujuy-Antofagasta y Talcahuano-Concepción-Neuquén-Bahía Blanca
11/4/2003 - 11/6/2003
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia -
GTE Ejes Andino, Multimodal del Amazonas, Perú–Brasil–Bolivia y Venezuela–Brasil-Guyana–Surinam
10/15/2003 - 10/17/2003
Quito, Ecuador -
GTE del Eje Perú-Brasil-Bolivia
11/21/2002 - 11/21/2002
Manaos, Brasil -
GTE del Eje Multimodal del Amazonas
11/20/2002 - 11/20/2002
Manaos, Brasil -
GTE del Eje Venezuela-Brasil-Guyana-Surinam
11/19/2002 - 11/19/2002
Manaos, Brasil -
GTE del Eje Andino
11/11/2002 - 11/12/2002
Guayaquil, Ecuador -
GTE del Eje Interoceánico
10/29/2002 - 10/29/2002
Asuncion, Paraguay -
GTE del Eje Andino
11/5/2001 - 11/6/2001
Lima, Peru -
GTE del Eje MERCOSUR-Chile
10/31/2001 - 10/31/2001
Montevideo, Uruguay -
GTE del Eje Interoceánico
10/17/2001 - 10/17/2001
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil -
GTE del Eje Interoceánico
6/12/2001 - 6/12/2001
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia -
GTE del Eje MERCOSUR-Chile
6/7/2001 - 6/7/2001
Buenos Aires, Argentina -
GTE del Eje Andino
5/15/2001 - 5/15/2001
Caracas, Venezuela