The Seventh Meeting of National Coordinators was held at the Granados Park Hotel Asuncion, and was attended by representatives of the South American countries as well as officials from observer organizations and institutions that make up the Technical Coordination Committee (CCT) IIRSA .
In view of the proximity of the Seventh Meeting of the CDE, the objective of this meeting was to relieve the progress of the 2005 Action Plan on Integration and Development Axes, Sectoral Processes and Strategic Vision and identify operational strategies initiative for the next 5 years, defining the main lines of action and implementation alternatives to be applied. Additionally, the Strategic Monitoring System Project Implementation Agenda based on Consensus (AIC) defined coordination mechanisms for operation and update was submitted .
The seventh meeting of National Coordinators was preceded by the Workshop on Experiences in planning that aimed to allow an exchange of experiences between representatives of the countries of IIRSA and at the same time stimulate the debate on the use of other mechanisms planning to help improve the quality of investment decision in IIRSA, based on the results of the indicative planning done in the Initiative.
Find below are the agenda, list of participants of the Seventh Meeting of National Coordinators, as well as all documents analyzed during the meeting.