


VI Meeting of National Coordinators

20 July 2005 - 20 July 2005, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Sixth Meeting of National Coordinators was held at the headquarters of the Secretariat located in INTAL in Buenos Aires, Argentina and was attended by representatives of the South American countries as well as officials from observer organizations and institutions that make up the Technical Coordination Committee (CCT) of IIRSA.

The purpose of the meeting was to follow up the work plan of the Initiative for 2005, with special emphasis on the results obtained to date.

Find below the agenda and list of participants of the meeting.


  • Notes of the Sixth Meeting of National Coordinators

    esp | eng
    July 2005
  • Work Agenda

    esp | eng
    July 2005
  • List of Participants

    esp | eng
    July 2005